Today FPM Play had a great opportunity to continue our new tradition of recording live episodes in a park when we were invited by the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts+Culture to record at their booth during the grand opening festivities for the new Romare Bearden Park in downtown Charlotte, NC.  We will post pictures soon.

We had an amazing time and an amazing turnout.  I hope that new listeners check out some of our previous episodes as we prepare our new episode to be posted.  Look for the final episode of Season 2 to be up in the next couple of days and quickly behind that the kick-off of Season 3.

It’s been a fun ride so far and things are getting better.  Welcome to all of our new listeners and thanks again to Jonell Logan and the great team at Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts+Culture for your kind invitation.

– Jacob & Andres