This past Sunday was our third time recording live outdoors.  Each time we have gotten better and gained experience.  Each time there are issues and challenges to overcome.

Our first “Podcast in the Park” was a challenge for the mere fact that we had never done it.  There were a lot of firsts with that show.  We prepared as best we could and for the most part things went well.  We tried to stream the show live over the internet but were only able to stream portions.  At that time we were also still recording the show onto the iPad and had a few instances of panic about the battery life of the iPad.  All in all nothing that could not be overcome.

The second show that was recorded live in the park did not go as we had planned at all.  Not sure what happened there but we did not have the same stream of guest hosts that we had in the first show.  We also left the iPads at home so we did not have our soundboard or our main audio recorder.  Luckily we had just started transitioning to recording onto an old Creative Nomad Jukebox 3 MP3 player.  So the recorder that was going to be our backup recorder ended up as our primary and we have not looked back.

For this last show we recorded this past Saturday we had a challenge that luckily and surprisingly was not present in the first two shows: weather!  We had to deal with heat and rain.  The heat and sun heated up our mixer and recorder to the point where they cut off more than once.  Then when the rain started we had to move quickly to pack up our equipment.  The unfortunate outcome was that we did not have a third of show record.  No worries though we are going to re-record the ending which we think is for the best.  At that point we had started to rush to try and beat the rain so now we can go back and record the segment as we had intended.  It delays the shows release by another day or two but it will be worth it in the end.

We can’t wait to see what new challenges and lessons await us on the next live show!